"I believe people should dance."- Ohad Naharin

Ohad Naharin
Famous dancer/choreographer, and current artistic director of Batsheva Dance Company in Israel
A world renowned dancer and choreographer, and creator of Gaga technique, Ohad Naharin has always pushed past the expectations of the dance world, and continues to do so today.
He has had many wonderful reviews of works, including Minus 16, Three, and Naharin's Virus. Many scholarly articles have also been written about Naharin and his meaningful contributions to the dance world.
Naharin has inspired many people all over the world for his moving theories and thoughts about dance. Apart from his work, Naharin is very well known for his founding of Gaga technique, which stemmed from an early back injury that allowed Naharin to explore different ways of moving. These thoughts and foundations can be seen and heard by Naharin himself in an interview between Charlie Rose and Ohad Naharin in 2005.
I love that quote, and how Naharin says "people" should dance and doesn't draw the line between "people" and "dancers," as I feel so many people in the dance world do. And I had no idea that Gaga stemmed from an early back injury, but that's kind of encouraging for me, with my two back injuries...