"I like to watch trees grow. I meditate all the time. You know, I don't sleep much - it's a known fact that sleep is required more for the brain than the body because the brain needs sleep to dream. But I dream all the time. I dream when I'm awake, when I create work, with my eyes open. So who needs sleep?"- Ohad Naharin
Ohad Naharin rehearsing Cedar Lake Contemporary Ballet for "Decadance"
So what is the true meaning behind Ohad Naharin and his work? I think that if you asked him this question, he would say "whatever you want it to be." I believe that Naharin does everything that he does so that everyone involved, including dancers and non-dancers, can be open to "pleasure." As a dancer myself, this is why I think Ohad Naharin is so important to dance today- because he narrows all of the hard work, or "effort" of dance down to the most significant element, which is pleasure. That is the reason why people dance, because they find pleasure in it. Naharin's theories of dance and it being full of pleasure are so important, because he reminds everyone that pleasure is the source of all that we do- why else would we do everything in life?
I also believe the significance behind Naharin is to remind the world to keep testing limits and pushing past boundaries. After all, it was due a back injury that led to Naharin's discovery of Gaga. Instead of letting his injury hold him back, he allowed it to reveal new boundaries and ways of dancing. It is this kind of discovery, or "research" as said by Naharin, that is the core of all movements. Ohad Naharin has shown me that I can discover new possibilities in myself everyday.
To get a better idea of Ohad Naharin's outlook on dance, watch the following "BAM Next Stage" Video: http://www.bamnextstage.org/#/intro/ohad-naharin
"I move to survive."- Ohad Naharin